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Professor Elias Stathatos was born in 1968 in Patras, Greece. He obtained his first degree in Physics from the University of Patras and then his Ph.D. from the Engineering Science Department also at the University of Patras. Subsequently, Prof. Stathatos worked for a period as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Cincinnati, USA, at the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department. Today, he is a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Peloponnese. In the period 2008-2010, he was the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Technological Educational Institute of Patras. Prof. Stathatos is the Head of the Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Laboratory (N&AML), he has more than 160 publications in peer review Journals and six chapters in books, which are recognized with more than 7200 citations (h-index 41). He is Principal/Co-Principal Investigator in 25 funded proposals, while he is a Co-Investigator in five patents related to solar energy conversion and solar cells. He has participated in more than 60 conferences, giving several plenary and invited lectures. He is a reviewer in numerous international Journals (>40) and an editorial board member in the Journals: “Materials Science for Semiconductor Processing”, “International Journal of Photoenergy”, “Heliyon” and “Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies”, Section Editor in Chief in “Microelectronics and Optoelectronics” in the Journal “Electronics”. His research interests are mainly focused on third-generation solar cells and their characterization. In particular, Prof. Stathatos is interested in the conversion of solar energy to electrical energy using dye-sensitized, quantum dot and perovskite solar cells employing nanostructured materials. Furthermore, Prof. Stathatos is also interested in electrochromic nanocomposite materials for developing smart windows, solar concentrators for enhanced performance in photovoltaics after spectral shifts, and photocatalysis for water decontamination and air cleaning.
Dr. Dimitris A. Chalkias
Dr. D.A. Chalkias is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the N&AML in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of the Peloponnese and a Process Engineer at Brite Solar company. He completed his undergraduate studies and postgraduate research at the University of Patras in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, where he was awarded a Ph.D. in 2019.
After his undergraduate experience in laboratories, working on the topic of fabrication and characterization of semi-green composite materials, his Ph.D. was focused on the development of new materials and device architectures for next-generation low-cost, highly efficient, stable and with extended applications photovoltaics. Specifically, his dissertation was focused on the development of novel hybrid nanocomposites with application in dye-sensitized solar cells, through an interdisciplinary combination of materials synthesis, device development and thorough characterization.
Today, his interests are mainly focused on 3rd generation photovoltaics. He is well-experienced in the fabrication of mesoscopic and highly ordered nanomaterials, thin films, nanostructured electrodes and advanced polymer electrolytes. On the other hand, he is well-familiar with a large number of materials and solar cells characterization techniques. He has already participated as a research associate in research projects, as well as in writing both European and National scientific projects on the topic of solar cells. He has excellent communication, organizational and managerial skills (co-supervisor of postgraduate and undergraduate students, experienced as a member of the local organizing committee of international conferences and scientific meetings). He is experienced in giving lectures since, during his Ph.D. stay, he has offered ancillary work in the framework of teaching exercises and applications in courses at the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics and at the Dept. of Chemistry (University of Patras). He has also worked as a Mechanical and Civil Engineer Assistant, where for a period, he was experienced in planning, design, analysis and installation of photovoltaics.
Up to now, he has been an author/co-author of 15 research papers published in refereed international scientific journals and 12 publications in international and national conferences, while he also has 1 invited talk at the University of Patras. He is a Guest Editor of a special issue in the Journal Electronics, MDPI. He is a Reviewer of papers in 27 international scientific journals. Finally, he is a Member of the Hellenic Thermal Analysis Company since 2016.
Dr. Aggeliki Karavioti
Aggeliki Karavioti is a postdoctoral researcher at the Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Laboratory of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Peloponnese, from July 2022. She received her bachelor from the Department of Materials Science of Univ. of Patras in March 2014, the postgraduate diploma from the Chemical Engineering Department of the Univ. of Patras in November 2017 and the Doctoral diploma from the Department of Physics of the Univ. of Patras in April 2022. Her field of research and specialization is focused on 3rd generation photovoltaic cells, such as perovskite solar cells and Dye-Sensitized solar cells. She has participated in 8 publications in international scientific journals. More information about publications on the page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=el&user=H8gkZFcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works